lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013


Burger fest is the most important event at the university. It’s funny no matter if you just come to taste some burgers or you participate in one of the teams that sold their creations.
This year we had two burgerfest. Recently we had the October edition. The most interesting of this event is our burgers, because we use some ingredients that normally doesn’t are present in a normal burger. In this edition we present burgers with ingredients like red fruits, apple, coffee, corn, etc.
My team
We did a burger with red fruits, the idea was easy (I think) and the flavor was wonderful. We start with the idea of how use our principal ingredient (red fruit), we wrote our recipe and we did it for taste our creation. We bought our uniforms and everything that we need.
The day previously of the event, we prepared some of our ingredients, the red bred, the beef meat and the beacon with jam. The day of the event was funny but hard, the sun without a place where to hide.
But the most important was share our delicious burger. It was made with grilled beef meat, beacon with jam and cheese, tomato, pesto and some of our dresses (chipotle with raspberries, jalapeño with cilantro, and Serrano with avocado) everything inside of our red bread. It was delicious!!!   

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Why? What for?

Why I’m studying gastronomy?  I always think about it, looking for a specific answer, but it doesn’t exist, because there are a lot. My families always joke about it; they said that is because when I was a baby my mom always left me in the kitchen, but maybe it is just the start of all.

When I chose this career? At the elementary school, I don’t know how or why I just chose it, and I’m happy with my decision. I started with my career at the high school; it was the proof of my vocation, because now I have my title as title "technical professional – baccalaureate", and I saw that I really love this profession, but my way didn’t finish here.

Now at university I study administration of gastronomy’s enterprises or something like that, I don’t know the name in English. The career here at the university is good, but sometimes I want learn more about culinary arts and less of administration, but it’s important, I know, because someday  I would like have my own business. Also I would like have options at the school for do a specialty in culinary arts, like pastry, chocolate, etc. because now I don’t have them.

I have a plan for my life, I will finish the university, travel around the world, have my own business, do a specialty in pastry and chocolate, but now I will continue doing courses for my specialty. I think that the experience is important and therefore I take some works in my free time, and also the practice is important, so if I have time I cook something for my family and friends. 

My expectations are be the best chocolatier, have my own business here in san luis and I know that I have to work a lot to become truth my dreams, because this are the most important for my professional and personal life.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

what you don't have to do when you are cooking...(part 1)

I really love the pastry but sometimes some desserts are difficult, or we aren't concentrates in the process. I will share you all my mistakes and the solutions that I found in these time. But first of all my advises to start cooking:

ü  Take your decision (what you will do)
ü  Check the quantities  
ü  Look for all the ingredients necessaries
ü  Prepare your work area and your ingredients  
ü  Reed all the recipe
ü  And follow it step for step
ü  Take your time

Always try to start with easy things and if you have problems always look for someone who know how help you.