lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Why? What for?

Why I’m studying gastronomy?  I always think about it, looking for a specific answer, but it doesn’t exist, because there are a lot. My families always joke about it; they said that is because when I was a baby my mom always left me in the kitchen, but maybe it is just the start of all.

When I chose this career? At the elementary school, I don’t know how or why I just chose it, and I’m happy with my decision. I started with my career at the high school; it was the proof of my vocation, because now I have my title as title "technical professional – baccalaureate", and I saw that I really love this profession, but my way didn’t finish here.

Now at university I study administration of gastronomy’s enterprises or something like that, I don’t know the name in English. The career here at the university is good, but sometimes I want learn more about culinary arts and less of administration, but it’s important, I know, because someday  I would like have my own business. Also I would like have options at the school for do a specialty in culinary arts, like pastry, chocolate, etc. because now I don’t have them.

I have a plan for my life, I will finish the university, travel around the world, have my own business, do a specialty in pastry and chocolate, but now I will continue doing courses for my specialty. I think that the experience is important and therefore I take some works in my free time, and also the practice is important, so if I have time I cook something for my family and friends. 

My expectations are be the best chocolatier, have my own business here in san luis and I know that I have to work a lot to become truth my dreams, because this are the most important for my professional and personal life.

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